Draw in New Customers

SLA SYstems Get New Customers

The following represents excerpts from a Forbes magazine article.

So which aspect of website design is the most important for drawing in clients or customers?

1. Send A Cohesive Message

Your website is your lead salesperson, and although the design aesthetic is important, a cohesive message is a critical component of all marketing collateral.

2. Make It Clean And Easy To Navigate

It’s crucial to have a clean website design that’s easy to navigate.

3. Use ‘The Four-Second Test’

According to data from Google, the millennial generation has an average online attention span of 8 seconds, while the younger Gen Z group comes in at a shocking 2.8 seconds. Open a webpage and start a timer, then close the page after four seconds. If you can’t answer the question “What was the webpage about?” then the page failed and needs improvement.

4. Be Responsive And User-Friendly

Just as internal communication is going through a mobile transformation, today’s websites must be responsive and mobile-friendly since many site visitors come from mobile devices. Copy is equally important.

5. Step Into Your Audience’s Shoes

Questions around “Will the site create value for the desired audience?” and “Will it prove intuitive for them to use?” are important. There is a rigor to website design: It takes time and effort.

6. Provide Good Content

Your web content should clearly communicate your value proposition. Less is more. Ensure that your content very concisely communicates who you are and what you do.

7. Optimize Your Message

Clear and simple messaging is the most important aspect of a good website. Optimizing your message for search engines and your target market is where the magic happens.

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